You can choose between 2 Green Card Lottery Plans.
SINGLE application.
If you are unmarried you are able to select 2 different plans in step 2 of your application.
This lottery plan include one ticket for one year.
All government fees included.
This lottery plan include two ticket for the two years.
This years and the following year.
Should you win the first year we will refund you the second year.
If you dont win the first years we will submit your application again the following year.
All government fees included.
(Remember when you win a Green Card it will be valid for life)
FAMILY application.
If you are married you are able to select 2 different plans in step 2 of your application.
This lottery plan include two ticket
(one application for you and one application for your spouse) in one year.
All government fees included.
This lottery plan include four ticket for the next two years.
(two application for you and two application for your spouse)
This years and the following year.
Should you win the first year we will refund you the second year.
If you dont win the first year we will submit your application again the following year.
All government fees included.
(Remember when you win a Green Card it will be valid for life)
Question: Can you detail the application type if I want to apply together with my wife and 4 children? How can I do that?
Answer: As you are married, you must select the family application that includes you and your wife. All children under 21 can be added to the application for free.
Question: If i pay and than i not selected as a winner so is there any money-back policy or any good facility for next year's dv lottery program or not ?
ANSWER: If you are not selected for the first year we will submit your application the following year if you have paid for the two-year plan. Please read more about our money-back policy in our terms and conditions §11.2
Question: Can you tell me, please, if I have a husband and 1 child should I take 1 most popular plan?
ANSWER: YES that is the best solution for a family
Question: I am single what is the application fee?
ANSWER: As you can see on the above plans, our application fee is: $80.00/$120.00
Question: How much is paid for the US green card lottery plan?
Answer: If you look at the plants above, you will see the costs
Question: Please I'm single can I still apply with my brother or my sister
Answer: Each of you would have to make an individual application
Hello, I would like to know how can I order the most popular plan so that I can try my best for winning the DV Lottery?
Best regard
ANSWER: You select your plan in step 2 when you apply here,
Please will i be sent back to my country after the 2 years or 1 year plan or we will be allowed to stay there forever ????
ANSWER: The green card is valid for life as long as you are permanently living in teh United States
My wife is applying for the lottery. I am a US citizen but when it asks her for her spouse information puts me in the drawing too. Can she just say she is single? How do we avoid this when I don't even need a green card and we are paying double when we don't need to?
NO, he should select the option that she is married to a US citizen when she is applying. Do not select that she is single as that would disqualify her application.
Do I need to already be living in the USA, or have a work visa to apply for the lottery, or is this something my family can do while still residents of Canada?
You do not need a Visa or work payment to apply in the green card lottery. Please read more on our FAQ page about requirements.
Am a fresh graduate. Please how can I apply for the lottery? what are the steps involve?
You need to apply online on
I will find a step-by-step guide here,
You can read more about all the steps involved here,
Am engage can I apply for my fiance too
If you're not married you have to make two separate application one for you and one for your fiance
Im 17, can i register my name?
There is no minimum age to apply for the visa lottery. However, the requirement of a high school education or work experience for each principal applicant at the time of visa issuance will effectively disqualify most persons who are under age 18.
Hi I'm single and I have a son. I would like to take my son along with me. Can I know which should I choose
Any children under the age of 21 are included on your application free of charge. As you are single you should choose a single application either for one or two year.
Please apply online here,
Question: The family plan would apply in my case; for my spouse, daughter and me? I mean if I would apply the three tickets for two years to participate in the next two years.
Answer: Correct as you're married you would have to select the family plan which includes your daughter for free. Green Cards will be issued to all family members on the application. As you wish to go for the two year plan, which is also the best option, we will resubmit your application the second year should your application not be selected the first year, giving you and your family a second chance of being selected for a discount price.
Question: Can I get a free chance of to apply for green card ?
Answer: Unfortunately we do not provide any free service and we would not recommend you to use the free service either if you are serious about moving to the United States. You can read more about the difference between the free and paid service here, FREE vs PAID GREEN CARD
What's the disadvantage for a married person to apply alone
What is the scheduled for payment and between which period?
Question: Right what is a disadvantage of divorced person and non married
Answer: There are no disadvantages to applying as a divorced person, however when you apply being married, you have a double chance of being selected as two applications will be submitted.