What is the application fee?

Single Application Plan
One Year Application $80.00
Two Year Application $120.00
All government fees included.

Family Application Plan
(Separate applications for spouses double chance of winning)
One Year Application $120.00
Two Year Application $200.00
All government fees included.


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    james okoth

    Thanks, would like to state that very soon am going to pay before the deadline, but on one green card lottery the actual amount to pay is $80 or $120 so let me know

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    Thomas Smith

    As you can see above the fee for a 1-year application is $80.00

    Edited by Thomas Smith
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    Thomas Smith

    The application fee included your spouse and all children under the ages of 21

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    mutwakil yousif mustafa

    when can I pay for my application fee and how can I pay

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    Bats Victoria Winters

    When can I pay and how can pay

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    Bashee Bakaruu

    Question: I am single. Can I still apply with my brother but

    Answer: NO, each of you needs to make a separated application, only children under that ages of 21 years can be added on your application. 

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    Thomas Smith

    Please apply and pay the application fee on https://www.usgreencardoffice.com/apply

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    Question: Please send me your bank account information so I can send my application fee via bank transfer. 

    Answer: Please contact our support on support@usgco.com regarding our bank account information.

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    Issouf Sagne

    Peut-on postuler sans payer les frais du dossier