Will the US Government provide assistance to locate housing and employment?

No, however all winners applying online on www.usgreencardoffice.com will be able to get advice and assistant with housing and employment via our support team in USA.

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    Ibro Sha

    Question: I am living in Ethiopia I need to work in the USA I need your help to go to the USA

    Answer: We will be able to assist you with many job opportunities in the the United States, but before you can move to the United States and get a job you would need a Green Card.  That is why you should apply for the upcoming Diversity Visa Program now. You can submit your application online here: https://www.usgreencardoffice.com/apply

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    Question: Am in Kenya, I wish to study in US and finally be a citizen there

    Answer: One of the great benefits of having a green card is that you can study in United States. Have a look at some of the benefits of having a Green Card

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    Thomas Smith

    As a free value-added service, we can assist our paying applicants with finding the right place to live in the United States. We also have many job opportunities available and should you wish to study we can assist you with that as well. If you need inspiration to where to live in the United States check out this blog post: https://www.usgreencardoffice.com/where-to-live-in-united-states